Tuesday, October 5, 2010


One phase of life that everyone have to face when you enter College/University. Almost every high school students wishes to enter College/University life as soon as they can just because they thought that they have more freedom in many ways. More time to hang out with friends, dress according to your mood instead of wearing uniforms all the time, party, club, booze, not much strict rules that will tie you down.

Yes, those are true and our seniors ain't lying. But I guess they forgot to mention on the fact that our work load and stress level increases as well at the same time? College/University life is way much more different than high school life. Due dates/deadlines for assignment and exam are always fixed near to each other, assignments aren't just essays which can be copied from the web and paste on our Word document and hand it up. NO! Oh yea, did I mention that our semester period range around 3 - 4 months in average? Shortest semester period can just be 2 months plus or so. Go figure on the amount of time you have to rush for your assignments on each subject you take for the course you enrolled in :O

However, I'm not gonna explain everything here on how scary our assignments are and everything has to be originally written base on your own words after doing some research. For the benefit of our high school juniors out there, that is :P

Trust me. ALL of us goes through this stage of life. So face it, cause you can't run away from it :P

Blessings & Peace Out,
♠ Vanessa ♠™ ♥

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