Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Life And Thoughts

I just don't get how people can be so immature and not appreciate the things that were given to them? Honestly, this type of people irritates/annoy/disgust me a lot. It frustrates me that their silly/immature act/nonsensical actions are hurting the people around them and all they could think of/do is jump into conclusion and assume that all those dumb conclusions will come true. Who do you think you are now? God?

If you don't feel good about something, just voice it out like a real human. Don't be such a coward and start saying bad stuff about it when you clearly do not have the rights to even say such mean things in the first place. Get your act right, please. Stop embarrassing yourself :)

Oh, and if you dislike it when people talks about you/became topic of the town, then why did you create such havoc that allows me to mention about you in the first place? If you don't like it, think about who was the one that created all this mess in the first place.

Nuff said. :)

Blessings & Peace Out,
♠ Vanessa ♠™ ♥

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