Phew! Time sure flies huh? Look which date are we in now? 21.02.2010. February is coming to an end soon and we're gonna face March very soon as well!
Spend my Sunday in Acts Church today :) was on for ACTS TV, Camera 3 during Morning Service and Evening Service! Crazy tired after both service ended but I still manage to listen and get the Word spoken by Pastor Alex during Morning Service and Elder Kien Yiak during Evening Service :) it was a great message with jokes floating in the air! :D
After that, went for Acts Teens Debrief Meeting as usual. But I left the meeting slightly earlier cause my parents wants to pick me up and go Sunway Pyramid for dinner. Shall let the pictures do the talking from here onwards :)
The younger sister with her plate of "Bali-pasta"
Beef Steak Ciabatta :) yumz!
On our way back home from Sunway Pyramid, we saw pretty fireworks being "set free" in the middle of the sky. At first I was plain lazy to take out my camera to snap some pictures, but then, my hand just reached in to my bag and got the camera out from it and the next thing I know, I was clicking and trying my very best to get and capture good shots of the fireworks with my lousy digital camera!
Okay, I'm done for now. Feeling really tired after a long day out from home. Shall hit the bed soon once I'm done clearing my files in the laptop :) goodnight!
Blessings & Peace Out,
♠ Vanessa ♠™
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