Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1st Babies

Wan Yew Jin (27).

One of the few pilots I ever know in life :) he is one friendly guy who's easy to talk to and make friends with :) he has this particular charm that attracts and makes people want to talk or know more about him! He is one of the few jokers that makes you go "out-of-words-to-fight-back" and causes you to laugh and maybe feel stupid at times -.- he is one tough guy who reads whenever he has the time to do so. So don't try to be funny with him :D

Daniel Shin (18).

One of the few campus student I know of when I first join Campus Ministry last year :) the Korean born-in-Sarawak boy is actually very shy, so to speak. I tried talking to him a few times but our conversation doesn't seem to last most of the time :( we should go out for a mamak session together with the gang one day! Chit chat session non-stop :D but overall, he is one friendly guy who's actually nice to talk to as well when you get to know more about him :)

Travis Loh Jin Meng (22).

Last but not least, the one and only Travis Loh in the world that I know of! Hahaha! Another friendly guy who jokes A LOT! A young wedding cinematographer and a passionate photographer himself, he is one talented guy who'll give his best in his work or anything related to video/photography :) he is one good friend that I can count on to but I never turn to him when I have problems. Hahahahaha! He'll try his every way to cheer you up when you're not in a good mood :) one of my ever-awesome chatting partner too during our assignment days where we'll keep each other company and awake to finish our work!

All in all, you guys are one of the greatest gifts from God :) each of you have left me an impression (good) or impacted my life in different ways. Pray that God will bless you guys with a great year ahead and praying that we'll get to know more about each other as well throughout the year :) you guys are awesome to be born in such a day as this!

Blessings & Peace Out,
♠ Vanessa ♠™

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